-Minnesota State Arts Board - Minnesota North Star

Potential State Government Shutdown

Updated June 30, 2011

The Minnesota State Legislature adjourned without reaching an agreement with the governor about the state's 2012-13 biennial budget. A special legislative session will be necessary to adopt a budget, once an agreement is reached, but we do not know when a special session might take place.

If a budget agreement is not reached by the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2011, state agencies will not have funding to provide services or conduct business and the state will face a potential shutdown of state government services effective July 1, 2011.

All state agencies—which includes the Minnesota State Arts Board—have been directed to start planning for a potential state shutdown.

The following information is being provided to help members of the public, who participate in Arts Board programs or services, begin to prepare for a potential shutdown, as well.

PLEASE NOTE, the information below is being provided for planning purposes.

The actions described will go into effect only if there is a State shutdown.

If a shutdown is avoided, Arts Board programs and services will continue without disruption.

Will the Arts Board continue to operate if there is a shutdown?


A judge has made a ruling to determine which critical functions are to continue to operate if there is a shutdown. Only those functions that protect life, health, and public safety will continue to function. The Arts Board does not provide those kinds of services so will not continue to operate during a shutdown.


Will the regional arts councils continue to operate if there is a shutdown?

Some might, some might not.

Regional arts councils are independent nonprofit organizations. They are not required to close if a shutdown occurs. However, the State of Minnesota is their principal source of funding. Since the legislature has not approved either the State general fund appropriations, or the arts and cultural heritage fund Legacy Amendment appropriations for fiscal year 2012-13, regional arts councils may not have the resources to operate during a shutdown.

Please contact the regional arts council in your area for information about its specific plans for operating if there is a shutdown.

How might Minnesota State Arts Board applicants and grantees be affected if there is a state government shutdown?

  • Grant payments—Much of the State's financial systems and supporting personnel would not be operating after June 30, if there is a shutdown.

    No Arts Board grant payments would be made during a shutdown.
  • Contracts and contract amendments—If the Arts Board is not operating during a shutdown, it will not be able to execute contracts or contract amendments.
  • Review and approval of grant applications—The Arts Board would postpone any scheduled meetings, grant application review panels, any other programs or services that are scheduled to take place during a shutdown.

    Fiscal year 2012 Operating Support grants are scheduled to be approved at the Arts Board's July 12-13 meeting. If a shutdown occurs during or prior to those dates, the meeting might be postponed.
  • Contact with the Arts Board—The Arts Board office would likely be closed. Staff would likely not be available to return calls or e-mails while a shutdown is underway.
  • Contract amendment forms can be downloaded here. Contract amendments can be prepared and submitted during the shutdown however the Arts Board will not be able to review or approve amendments until the shutdown ends.

How will constituents know if Arts Board services will be disrupted?

The Arts Board is using this page to post the most current information about shutdown planning. We will use the Arts Board e-mail distribution list to notify members of the public when we are able to resume normal operations.

Information has been posted and e-mail updates have been sent prior to a shutdown occurring. HOWEVER, the Arts Board will NOT be able to post new information, send e-mails, or answer calls or e-mail messages from the public during a shutdown.

If you don't currently receive e-mail notices from the Arts Board, please sign up now to be included in our e-mail distribution list.

Where do I get more information?

Additional information about the State of Minnesota's contingency planning for a potential shutdown is available at www.bereadymn.com.

Information will be posted and e-mail updates will be sent prior to a shutdown occurring. However, the Arts Board will not be able to post new information, send e-mails, or answer calls or e-mail messages from the public during a shutdown.

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