Accessible Arts
People with disabilities face significant barriers to the arts as creators, participants, and attendees. This pilot program will offer project grants to increase the capacity of the arts sector to make arts experiences more accessible. Funds will be used for investments that will have a longer-term impact on the applicant, such as professional development related to accessibility (i.e., staff or volunteer training, etc.), hiring accessibility consultants to conduct accessibility audits and/or develop accessibility plans, etc. Funds may also be used for small equipment investments (costing less than $5,000) that will make programming more accessible over time (i.e. assisted listening or captioning equipment, handrails, grab bars, etc.).
Program overview and application instructions
FY 2026 Accessible Arts Program Overview and Application Instructions—All applicants should read this document thoroughly before beginning online application.
Application deadline
April 4, 2025, before 4:30 p.m.
When will funds be awarded?
Grant awards will be approved at the October 2025 board meeting. The grant period for these awards will be December 2025 - November 2026; all funded activities must take place within the grant period.
Who can apply?
• A 501(c)(3) tax-exempt arts organization; or
• An arts affiliates of a nonprofit organization or public entity.
Additional eligibility requirements are included in the FY 2026 Accessible Arts Program Overview and Application Instructions. Please review all eligibility requirements carefully before beginning an application.
Grant range
Applicants may request between $10,000 - $20,000. No cash match is required.
Resources for applicants
Information Session
FY 2026 Accessible Arts Information Session and Q&A with Program Officer
Wednesday, February 26
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Learn more about the FY 2026 Accessible Arts grant program. This virtual information session will provide details about the program purpose, eligibility, and application process. There will be time at the end of the session for a live Q&A with the program officer.
For information on how to join the session, visit the Information Sessions web page.
FY 2026 Grant Programs Overview
The Arts Board hosted two virtual sessions giving a high-level overview of the grant programs offered for organizations in fiscal year 2026. Potential applicants may wish to review the recording of this session to help determine which program is the best fit for their work. Note that the program specific information session linked above will provide a more in-depth understanding of the Accessible Arts grant program for potential applicants.
FY 2026 Grant Programs Overview for Organizations– Recording | Download PowerPoint
Sample applications
The following applications were submitted by fiscal year 2025 grantees.
The files may take several minutes to download.
If you have questions or need assistance
If you have questions about the content of the application form or narrative, please contact:
Adam Wiltgen, program officer
(651) 539-2657
If you have questions about the technical aspects of the online application forms, or questions about electronic submission, please e-mail the Arts Board at:
Tom Miller, WebGrants administrator
(651) 539-2656
Chris Berry, grants management systems administrator
(651) 539-2668
For accessibility inquiries or accommodation requests, please contact:
Annick Dall-Desbois, outreach and accessibility coordinator
(651) 539-2651
The Arts Board offers accommodations, such as alternate format materials, transcription, and other technical assistance, upon request. Grant application deadlines are not able to be extended for any reason. To ensure we are able to provide you access, please make your accommodation request as soon as possible, and no less than two weeks prior to a grant application deadline.
All staff can be reached toll-free at (800) 866-2787 or via Minnesota Relay 711.
How to apply
Application method—All applicants are required to use the WebGrants system to apply and will submit all materials electronically. Registration is required of all applicants before beginning an application to any Arts Board program. It is only necessary to register once.
Two online tutorials are available to acquaint users with the WebGrants system:
Grantee reports and amendments
The following links provide information and instructions regarding final reports and related material required from Arts Board grantees.