Application instructions and online application forms will be posted approximately eight weeks before the application deadline.
(*) All funded activities must take place within the grant period.
Application Review and Award Notification
All applications will be reviewed by teams of reviewers. Applications will be discussed during public review meetings that may be held virtually or in person. Applicants and members of the public are welcome to listen to or observe the public review meeting, but may not participate in the discussion. The board takes final action to approve, amend, or decline grants recommended by the review teams. Applicants will be notified after the board has taken action on their applications.
Grant Cycle Review Meetings
Review meetings are held at the Arts Board office. In keeping with Minnesota Statutes 13D.015, members of the review team may participate in this meeting via interactive technology. Members of the public are welcome to watch the review meeting in person, via videoconference, or listen via phone, but will not be able to participate.
Any member of the public who has questions about accessibility, or accommodation to watch or listen to review meetings, may contact Annick Dall-Desbois, outreach and accessibility coordinator at or call (651) 539-2651 or (800) 866-2787.
The Arts Board uses the Webex videconferencing system. Members of the public who wish to watch review meetings via videoconference, but are not familiar with the Webex videoconferencing system, are encouraged to download the Webex Installation Instructions.
All board meetings are open to the public, in keeping with Minnesota's Open Meeting Law. Unless announced otherwise, meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of the month at 11:00 a.m. and are held at the Arts Board office. When members of the board will participate in meetings via videoconference, phone numbers or videoconference links will be posted so that members of the public may listen or observe the meetings remotely.
Any member of the public who would like to contact members of the board, or has questions or comments about board or committee meeting processes or topics discussed, may contact Sue Gens, executive director at
Any member of the public who has questions about accessibility, or accommodation to attend or listen to meetings, may contact Annick Dall-Desbois, outreach and accessibility coordinator at or call (651) 539-2651 or (800) 866-2787.
Any member of the public who needs Webex technical assistance, may contact Karl Warnke, program associate at or call (651) 539-2654 or (800) 866-2787.