-Minnesota State Arts Board - Minnesota North Star

Acknowledging Arts Board Support

Grant funds come to the Minnesota State Arts Board from multiple sources. Properly acknowledging funding sources both recognizes and helps to ensure continued support.

Grantees are required to acknowledge Arts Board support by using the appropriate credit line and logo(s) in printed materials, news releases, films, videos, electronic transmissions, and Web sites. Grantees must also acknowledge Arts Board support when written credit is not applicable, by providing oral credit before each event or performance and in media interviews.

Which acknowledgement should I use?

Because the funding sources of grants vary from award to award, Arts Board grantees use a variety of acknowledgements. Each grantee must refer to Section H. Acknowledgement of their own contract, which is the definitive source for the exact credit line and logo(s). Grantees are required to display the Arts Board logo with their credit line, and may also be required to display the Minnesota legacy logo, the National Endowment for the Arts logo, or a different logo or combination, depending upon the contract.

Arts and cultural heritage fund

Several of the grants given by the Minnesota State Arts Board are funded by the arts and cultural heritage fund, which is one of four funds resulting from the clean water, land, and legacy amendment. If a grant is supported by the arts and cultural heritage fund, the grant contract will instruct the grantee to incorporate the Arts Board logo, the Minnesota legacy logo, the credit line, and possibly other logos, into printed and other materials.

Minnesota legacy logo

For more details and formats visit the clean water, land, and legacy amendment Web site.


Using Arts Board logos

All recipients of Arts Board grants must incorporate the Arts Board logo, along with the credit line and any other logos stipulated in the grant contract, into printed and other materials.

Arts Board logo guidelines:

  • If you need to change the size of our logo, please make sure that it's resized proportionally to its original dimensions (i.e., do not change the aspect ratio.)
  • Please make sure that there's at least .167 inches of space all around the logo, to avoid crowding.
  • If you intend to print the logo in two colors, contact the Arts Board Communications Office for information on the correct color breaks.

MSAB Color Logo

Minnesota State Arts Board color logo


Minnesota State Arts Board black & white logo

Other Logos

National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Arts Logo

Some Arts Board grants are partially funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). If a grant is supported by the NEA, the grant contract will instruct the grantee to incorporate the Arts Board logo, the NEA logo, the credit line, and possibly other logos, into printed and other materials.

NEA Logo Page (on arts.gov)

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